The spirit

The story of Cobana is a story of people who are passionate about exploring the unknown. People who dare to question their assumptions and challenge the status quo. People who believe in the power of diversity and seek to build bridges and collaborations towards a sustainable global society. Cobana is a place where these stories meet, in the beautiful Transylvanian mountains.

What does that mean practically?

Inspired by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's research, Cobana creates an environment where residents can attain the Flow State - a psychological state where a person is fully immersed in an activity, experiencing a sense of focus and enjoyment in the process.

With high-speed internet and weekly cleanings, Cobana eliminates distractions and mundane tasks, allowing residents to stay in the flow. Beyond just a work retreat, Cobana encompasses a philosophy of sustainability, community and personal growth, making it a beacon for those seeking to merge productivity with exploration and well-being.

As Cobana's mission is to strengthen collaboration towards a sustainable future, Cobana offers a host in residence program; Create Cobana with us. This program allows initiatives towards sustainability to call Cobana home for a period of at least three months. In this setting, small rituals like the weekly house meeting and the house BBQ are the starting point of many joint adventures in the beautiful mountains of Transylvania, forging new collaborations and friendships. 

Join the Cobana community and unlock your full potential.


Do you share the same values with us?

Involved: we stay connected with global events and strive to make a positive difference.
Synergetic: we believe that the synergy of ideas can create greater value than the sum of its parts.
Integrity: we value honesty and integrity in all our interactions.
Innovative: we identify opportunities for improvement.
Positive: we embrace optimism as our guiding principle, believing in the boundless potential of every endeavour.

Create Cobana with us

Learn more about Cobana

Located in Zărnești in Brașov County, Romania, close to "The Piatra Craiului National Park", Cobana Coliving is the perfect environment to explore the Carpathian Mountains while working on your projects and creating new collaborations.
The area
The rooms
The house
The host
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